
The Curriculum Framework for Children and Young People with Vision Impairment (CFVI)

The Curriculum Framework for Children and Young People with Vision Impairment (CFVI) is a UK wide framework developed by sector partners after extensive research and consultation. It supports children and young people with vision impairment aged 0 – 25 to access an appropriate and equitable education.

The CFVI outlines 11 key areas of learning, including facilitating an inclusive world, independent living skills, mobility, accessing information, sport, social communication and preparing for adulthood. Not only can the CFVI improve the education experiences of blind or partially sighted children and young people, it also provides a shared language and guidance on best practice for everyone who supports them, including non-specialist staff, parents/carers and the young people themselves. Used in the right way the CFVI can transform lives and help blind and partially sighted children and young people to thrive.

Please download your copy of the CFVI here:

Curriculum Framework for Children and Young People with Vision Impairment | RNIB

Exciting News: Shortlisted for the Visionary Award!

Hartlepool Vision Support is thrilled to announce that we’ve been shortlisted for the prestigious Visionary Award in the Innovate and Inspire category. This recognition highlights our commitment to pioneering new approaches and inspiring positive change within the visually impaired community. We are honoured to be considered among the best in our field, and this nomination reflects the hard work and dedication of our entire team. We remain steadfast in our mission to empower and uplift those we serve, and this nomination only strengthens our resolve to continue innovating for a brighter future.

Shortlisted for the Visionary Award

Navigating Life’s Journey Together: Introducing Hartlepool Vision Support


In the heart of our community for over a century, Hartlepool Vision Support has been a beacon of hope for those navigating the challenging terrain of sight loss and visual impairment. With nearly two million people in the UK living with sight loss, we recognize the profound impact it can have on individuals and their families. At Hartlepool Vision Support, we stand firm in our commitment to ensuring that sight loss is not a solitary road.

Our Mission:

Our dedicated team of passionate staff and volunteers has cultivated a caring and encouraging community focused on providing support, advice, and a variety of services. Our overarching goal is to empower individuals to maintain their independence and live life on their terms.

The Scope of Sight Loss:

Statistics reveal that approximately one in 30 people in the UK grapple with sight loss. Of these, 360,000 individuals are registered with their local authority as blind or partially sighted. At Hartlepool Vision Support, we understand the multifaceted challenges that sight loss presents, and we are here to help individuals overcome these challenges.

Comprehensive Support Services:

We offer a range of support services tailored to meet the diverse needs of those with visual impairment. From rehabilitation and counseling to mobility training, sensory needs assessments, home visits, and advice on IT and assistive technology, our services are designed to address the unique requirements of each individual.

Building Community Through Social Engagement:

Recognizing the importance of social connection, we host various events and gatherings. Whether it’s Pub Club, Get Crafty, News & Views, or IT Open Days, these events provide not only practical support but also a platform for building friendships and a sense of belonging.

Partnerships for Holistic Support:

Our partnerships with health services and Hartlepool Borough Council underscore our unwavering commitment to combat isolation and provide holistic support. We believe that tackling sight loss requires a collaborative effort, and these partnerships enhance our ability to reach and assist those in need.

Upcoming Events:

We invite you to join us for our upcoming events, including IT Open Day, Craft Days, and Pub Club. These events are not only informative but also serve as opportunities to connect with others facing similar challenges.


Sight loss may seem like an overwhelming journey, akin to the bereavement of a loved one. However, at Hartlepool Vision Support, we want individuals to know that they are not alone. Together, we navigate life’s journey, providing the support and community needed to overcome the challenges of sight loss. Join us on this collective path towards independence, empowerment, and a vibrant life, because at Hartlepool Vision Support, we are here to help.